I pursued my Bachelor degree in Psychology at the Isik University, in Istanbul, Turkey. Then, I received my M.Sc. at the University of Pavia, in Psychology, Neuroscience and Human sciences at the department of Brain and Behavioural Sciences. Currently I am a PhD student and an
active member of TEAM Lab.
My current research interest are on the fascinating realm of brain and heart interactions utilising advanced EEG methodologies.
Through the course of my PhD project, I hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the effects of stress on the dynamic interactions between the brain and the body, ultimately utilizing this knowledge to develop strategies to promote well-being.
E-mail : basak.bayram@phd.unich.it , basakbyrm1@gmail.com
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ba%C5%9Fak-b-58506b208/
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Basak-Bayram-2
Via dei Vestini,31
Centralino 0871.3551
Viale Pindaro,42
Centralino 085.45371
email: info@unich.it
PEC: ateneo@pec.unich.it
Partita IVA 01335970693